Partnership with the Chumash
Working with the local Chumash is a benefit to both the HROA and the Chumash. The protection of the Chumash cultural resources on the Ranch not only runs contrary to the plans of the Coastal Commission to turn the beaches fronting Hollister Ranch into a recreational amusement park, it is also the right thing to do. We should be proud of the fact that the Chumash want to work with us. Those cultural resources are not just theirs, but ours as well. In addition to being stewards of the Ranch, we are also custodians of the lengthy heritage of those who loved this land as do we.
Our board has made it clear that the Chumash will not be owners of any portion of Hollister Ranch. They will be our guests. Given the opportunity to visit the land of their ancestors, they will be able to honor their predecessors and conduct ceremonies on their behalf. There may even be the opportunity for us to learn from them. After all, just as we are working to accomplish, the Chumash preserved and protected this wonderful stretch of coastline for 10,000 years.
We are of one mind, and that is to continue the preservation and protection of the 8.5-mile natural world that we all strive to realize. A strong, working relationship will create a bulwark that even the state of California will have to respect.