How to Sell One's Property at Hollister Ranch?
If the time comes when you decide to sell your property at Hollister Ranch, you will want the representation of an agency that specializes in HR sales… ideally, only sales at the Ranch. There are “expert” agents from out of the area who sell property at the Ranch. However, Hollister Ranch Realty is the only real estate company that sells ONLY property at Hollister Ranch. Our attention is not split between home sales in Santa Barbara (often involving “Open Houses” on the weekends when most buyers want to see property at the Ranch) and lengthy tours of HR property.
We at Hollister Ranch Realty will do our best to find you a qualified buyer after consulting with you regarding the proper pricing level for your property. Our suggestions will be based upon recent comparative sales and a fundamental knowledge of values at Hollister Ranch that has been gained over several decades of selling property at the Ranch.
Hollister Ranch Realty listings are immediately posted in the Multiple Listing Service and on the Hollister Ranch Realty website. Your property would be advertised in the HROA periodical, the Hollister Hawk as well is on our monthly (or more frequently when appropriate) “Hollister Ranch Realty Email Alert” to over 600 folks who are looking for Hollister Ranch property.
Buyers are more likely to trust an agent who actually lives full-time in their own home at Hollister Ranch knowing that agent will be around after they purchase.